Best Companies Hiring Developers - Stack Overflow
Proudly Canadian, CGI has expanded into over 40 countries and grown our family into Canada’s largest IT & business consulting services firm. With our worldwide network of experts, we build lasting relationships, innovate with purpose, and have a global impact. We are influencers, create change, make decisions with autonomy and break down ...
Retrieve job postings for a specific company using LinkedIn's API
LinkedIn may someday improve their API to handle requests such as the one needed here. But for now, it looks like the only way to get all job postings for a company based on the company ID is to make 2 separate preliminary calls (one to acquire the company name using the company ID, then a second to acquire all jobs based on the company name).
Search text in stored procedure in SQL Server - Stack Overflow
5. I created a procedure to search text in procedures/functions, tables, views, or jobs. The first parameter @search is the search criterion, @target the search target, i.e., procedures, tables, etc. If not specified, search all. @db is to specify the database to search, default to your current database. Here is my query in dynamic SQL.
Error "Waiting for a runner to pick up this job" using GitHub Actions
The solution is to go to the org, select the runner or runner group, click on the name, then select the repo from the list of available repos. You may also need to allow public repos or change the visibility of their repo as that also prevents runners being available to a specific repo. answered May 10, 2022 at 15:36.
Scraping Job Descriptions off of LinkedIn - Stack Overflow
So you can either emulate a click on the container or change the currentJobId by scraping the id from the page and reloading the page with the new link. # Example of scraping the currentJobId for each item. job_ids.append(job_container.get_attribute("data-job-id")) Function to grab the descriptions.
Query to list the job names and step associated with a particular table
Is there any way to search and find ,what job holds a particular table refresh . There are multiple sql agent jobs with multiple steps.What is the sql query to search all jobs and locate the job name and steps? This is to identify the steps associated with a table load
Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers
Where developers and technologists share private knowledge with coworkers. Now available! A suite of GenAI tools for Stack Overflow for Teams that helps connect employees to knowledge faster. Reach the world’s largest audience of developers and technologists. A subscription-based API service that provides continuous access to Stack Overflow ...
linux - How can I recursively find all files in current and subfolders ...
If you want to search special files with a wildcard, you can use the following code: find . -type f -name "*.conf" Suppose, you want to search every .conf files from here:. means search started from here (current place) -type means type of search item that here is file (f). -name means you want to search files with *.conf names.
sql - How can I determine the status of a job? - Stack Overflow
END; This is useful because I can call this function and check if the job I want to start is already running before I attempt to start it, without adding a lot of bloat to my code. for example: DECLARE @JobName varchar(140) = 'MyAgentJobName'. IF (SELECT dbo.IsJobAlreadyRunning(@JobName)) = 0.
sql server - T-SQL query to find jobs and tables - Stack Overflow
1. You can start with this select if the job step in T-SQL then it will find the text what you will declare as table name. use msdb. Declare @table_name varchar(50) set @table_name='Test'. select,js.command from dbo.sysjobs j. inner join. dbo.sysjobsteps js.